January-March 2024


Five entities in the South Caucasus
Six editors caught in three conflicts
Five languages
Over 300 website publications
Over 10,000 social media posts across 16 accounts
Total reach estimated at 7 million
JAMnews extensively covers the entire South Caucasus's social and political landscape, with significant attention given to its (at least) three conflicts.

Here's a brief overview of the coverage regarding tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan
30 Explainers

Corridor games in the South Caucasus. What are the stakes?
Коридорные игры на Южном Кавказе. Какие ставки сделаны?

Karabakh Armenians appeal to the world. What should they expect?
Обращение карабахских армян к миру. Какую реакцию можно ожидать?

Turkey's role as a mediator in Armenia-Azerbaijan talks: What will come of it?
Турция в роли модератора переговоров Армения-Азербайджан: что получится?
40 Opinions

"Don't tease Russia": Analysts on the small steps policy of the Armenian authorities
«Не дразнить Россию»: аналитики о политике маленьких шагов властей Армении

Signing of Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty is only theoretically possible
Подписание мирного договора Армения-Азербайджан возможно лишь теоретически

Return of Armenians to Karabakh: how realistic is it?
Возвращение армян в Карабах: насколько это реально?

Reparations as a part of the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process: A view from Baku
Репарации как составная часть мирного процесса между Азербайджаном и Арменией. Взгляд из Баку

Georgia after Karabakh: What has changed in the region and what lessons Tbilisi should learn
Грузия после событий в Карабахе. Что изменилось в регионе и какие уроки следует извлечь Тбилиси
15 Features / Longreads / Multimedia stories

Stories and memories of Karabakh Armenians
Гражданство – беженец. Истории и воспоминания карабахских армян

In Azerbaijan, the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy is commemorated. Survivors share their stories
В Азербайджане отмечают 32-ю годовщину Ходжалинской трагедии. Истории выживших

The last war in Nagorno-Karabakh: One family's story
Последняя война в Нагорном Карабахе. История одной семьи

Azerbaijani IDPs return to Karabakh. Two different stories
Вынужденные переселенцы возвращаются в Карабах. Две разные истории из Азербайджана

"We share weddings and funerals." Stories from a village in Georgia where Armenians and Azerbaijanis live side by side
«Мы вместе ходим на свадьбы и на похороны». Репортаж из села в Грузии, где живут армяне и азербайджанцы
Dolma Diaries
Three new episodes of the cross-Caucasian comedy web series “Dolma Diaries” have been released. This series chronicles the lives of three young men—an Armenian, an Azerbaijani, and a Georgian—cohabiting in a rented flat in Berlin. Their journey unfolds against the backdrop of their pursuit of education in Germany, supported by scholarships contingent upon the prerequisite of cohabitating with a perceived adversary.

Can people respect, assist, and befriend each other despite originating from antagonistic societies? Comedy web series asks this question. We are currently in the process of adding subtitles in Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, and Russian languages.
Attacks on JAMnews
In Azerbaijan, several articles have been published in government-controlled media outlets against JAMnews, accusing it of engaging in anti-Azerbaijani propaganda, anti-state activities, and having connections with Armenian authorities. The latest publication included the names of editors, authors, interviewees, and even those who were not interviewed. Shahin Rzayev, a former editor and current author, was briefly detained.

• In Abkhazia, an ongoing campaign against JAMnews, led by the Foreign Ministry itself, accuses it of being anti-Russian, spreading Western propaganda, and having connections with Georgian authorities. JAMnews editor and some authors were interrogated by security services.

On Twitter, there is an ongoing campaign against JAMnews led by Armenian users, including popular bloggers and some politicians, with active participation from users related to the Armenian diaspora. They accuse JAMnews of being anti-Armenian and having connections with Azerbaijani authorities.
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